Saturday, July 05, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Sign Kucinich' Impeach petition
This is Your Moment. Impeach Bush NOW! Sign the Petition.
sign here...
Labels: 4th of July, Dennis Kucinich, Impeachment
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"The End of America" - 4th of July food for thought from Scott Ritter
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- War on terror
- U.S. Constitution
- Bill of Rights
- 4th Amendment
- Geneva Convention
- U.N. Convention against Torture
- Guantánamo
- Abu Ghraib
- Bagram
- Extraordinary rendition
- Warrantless domestic wiretapping
- Patriot Act
- Military Commissions Act
- CIA black sites
- Presidential signing statements
- Executive privilege
- Unitary executive
- Telecom immunity
Spoken before the US invaded Iraq
"We can call ouselves Americans. We can fly the American flag, but unless we stand up and defend the values that define us as Americans, we will cease being Americans."
Scott Ritter gave this talk before the US invaded Iraq. As a former US Marine Corps officer, UN weapons inspector and expert on the armaments of Iraq, he very publicly disputed the Bush adminstration's claim that Iraq was a threat to the US.
Now the US is on the same path with regards to war against Iran.
Labels: 4th of July, Abu Ghraib, black sites, extraordinary rendition, Geneva Convention, Guantánamo, Military Commissions Act, Patriot Act, Scott Ritter, signing statements, torture, unitary executive
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Thursday, July 03, 2008
We have little to celebrate tomorrow
Labels: 4th of July, Civil liberties, constitutional crisis, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution
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Wednesday, July 02, 2008
"He's very radical, this president. He's probably the most radical president we've ever had."
Al Jazeera's Ghida Fakhry talks to investigative journalist Seymour Hersh about his latest article in New Yorker magazine, claiming that US congressional leaders have agreed to a presidential request for up to $400 million in funding for covert operations against Iran.
Labels: Al Jazeera, covert operations, George Bush, Iran, Iran war planning, New Yorker, Seymour Hersh
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Winding down
so, what's going on...?
i've been blogging for two principal reasons... one, to be able to understand the bigger picture of what's happening in the world, and, through providing that search with a means of expression, to accelerate my learning... and two, instead of letting my hard-won insights rumble and fester inside of me, using blogging to aid and abet the process of retaining my sanity by externalizing all that repressed energy... i'm pleased to say that i've been successful on both counts...
so, after three-plus years of blogging faithfully, almost obsessively, every day, putting up posts that i believe demonstrate pieces of the bigger picture, essential pieces of the emergent pattern that's been threatening to stifle everything good and true about humanity, i no longer feel the overwhelming need to add more pieces to that picture...
am i going to stop blogging...?
no, i'm not going to stop... i am, however, not going to continue with the single-minded intensity with which i've attacked blogging since march 2005... days may go by without a post and then there may be only one or two... and, yes, there could also be the occasional flurry... perhaps my co-bloggers will toss in the occasional post or two, but this blog will not be as it has been, unless and until...
"unless and until" what...?
when i start to see signs of real, fundamental, serious, positive, sustainable changes appearing on the horizon, i can promise you, i will come roaring back (and, no, i'm not referring to anything as cosmically trivial as obama winning the election)... what i'm waiting for is to see the dark forces truly on the run, being driven from their lairs in the dark of night by good-hearted citizens with torches, rakes and hoes... i believe that day is coming but, until then, there's little else i have to add...
meanwhile, life goes on as we watch our dark masters strut and fret their final hours on the stage...
Labels: And yes I DO take it personally, bloggers, blogosphere, profmarcus
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