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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Effective...? At WHAT...?
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Effective...? At WHAT...?

effective at turning the justice department into an operating arm of karl rove and the republican national committee...?
"As long as I think that I can be effective and the president believes that I should continue to be at the head of the Department of Justice, I'll continue serving," he told reporters.


Gonzales spoke just hours after Bush reaffirmed his confidence in his attorney general.

it's going down exactly as i predicted yesterday...
i fully expect gonzo to still be attorney general a week from today and, quite likely, a month from today... if george dumps him, it will not be until he can make it look like HIS decision rather than as a response to the hearings and political pressure, the same way he disposed of rummy...

there's only one thing that's going to break through the bushco stonewall, and that's a revelation of such staggering magnitude that it will bring the entire house of cards tumbling down... until then, bush isn't going to give one single inch, and will continue to wreak havoc on our country until 20 january 2009... the additional damage he can do between now and then boggles the mind...

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