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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Remember, Wolfie, nobody wanted you in the FIRST goddam place
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Remember, Wolfie, nobody wanted you in the FIRST goddam place

what this tells me is that the recent girlfriend job and salary problem opened the floodgates to a storm of ill will that Spitcomb has been accumulating since he came onboard over the concerns of many in the G7 and the world financial community...
A group of top former World Bank executives has urged Paul Wolfowitz to resign, as the bank's watchdog warned his actions were undermining the ability of the institution to carry out development work.

The 42 senior executives wrote a letter to the Financial Times, published on Monday, advising Wolfowitz to give up the presidency for the good of the bank following a controversy over the promotion of his girlfriend.

let's jump in mr. peabody's wayback machine and look at the reaction when bush announced wolfie's nomination on 16 march 2005... there wasn't exactly dancing in the streets...
President Bush said yesterday that he has chosen Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, a key architect of the Iraq war, as the U.S. nominee to head the World Bank.

The announcement was an aggressive move to put the administration's stamp on the World Bank, the largest source of aid to developing countries, by installing at the bank's helm a leading advocate of the U.S. campaign to spur democracy in the Middle East. But it risked a new rift with countries critical of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, especially since it came so soon after Bush's nomination of John R. Bolton, another prominent hawk, as ambassador to the United Nations.

The nomination shocked many among the bank's 10,000-member staff and in many capitals abroad, especially in Europe. When Wolfowitz's name surfaced a couple of weeks ago as a possible nominee, many diplomats and bank insiders dismissed his prospects as remote.

"a leading advocate of the u.s. campaign to spur democracy in the middle east..." it is to laugh... it was just the other day, while sweating over the possibility of losing his job, that wolfie urged us to forget about all that...
"For those people who disagree with the things that they associate me with in my previous job, I'm not in my previous job," Wolfowitz said in a statement.

go away, wolfie... nobody wanted you two years ago and nobody wants you now - except george, that is...

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