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And, yes, I DO take it personally: F*** you, George, AND the horse you rode in on
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Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
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Monday, August 28, 2006

F*** you, George, AND the horse you rode in on

you don't have to wait 10 years to forget, george... the only reason you remembered after a year is that it was on karl's to-do list...
Bush planned to spend the anniversary of the U.S. Gulf Coast landfall of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans after a visit to Biloxi, Miss. It was his 13th visit to the devastated area.

"We can rebuild buildings, the question is can we rebuild its soul," he told April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks. "We can. I believe, 10 years from now April, you and I will be thinking about our time here, and trying to remember what it was like 10 years ago."

our president can't open his mouth without sticking his foot completely down his throat...

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