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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Chronicling the continuing demise of democracy, all in the name of national security
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Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Monday, August 28, 2006

Chronicling the continuing demise of democracy, all in the name of national security

when are we gonna wise up...?
National security has become the excuse for efforts to crack down on whistle-blowers and journalists dealing in such vital disclosures as the illicit eavesdropping on Americans.


Public recourse has become more difficult: enforcement of the Freedom of Information Act has become slower and more burdensome. The one thing the administration has made no secret is its antipathy to government transparency. The secrecy fixation is a threat to democracy and an insult to honest history.

question for the nyt... when does a threat cross the threshold and become an outright attack...? imho, the full-blown attack came when scotus handed down its coup-enabling decision of 12 december 2000, a day that should be commemorated down through the years as the day our country broke loose from its moorings...

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