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And, yes, I DO take it personally: A headline our government can be proud of
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Monday, August 28, 2006

A headline our government can be proud of

just think, they've been working their asses off for nearly six years so we could see something like this in print...
Real Wages Fail to Match a Rise in Productivity
Wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the
nation's economy since the U.S. began recording the data in 1947.

heckuva job, fellas...

p.s. the reason wages and salaries fail to match productivity is simple... one, companies are in a race to see who can wring the last drop of blood out of employees... two, older employees with higher salaries/wage rates are being let go in favor of younger workers who are hired to work for much less money... three, unions are being systematically persecuted and driven from the workplace, giving workers virtually no say over their pay, benefits, or working conditions... four, companies are laying off workers wholesale to, as they say in corporatespeak, "do more with less..." four, companies are increasing the price, sometimes significantly, for every microgram of value that is added to a product or service, and, conversely, they are pulling every microgram of value possible OUT of products and services without reducing the price... the whole damn thing is a crock...

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