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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Epitaph for Katrina
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Monday, August 28, 2006

Epitaph for Katrina

everywhere i turn the past several days, i have been reminded that, last year at this time, i was glued to cnni, watching the still-unfolding disaster that was hurricane katrina and the unbelievably pathetic reponse of my government to a humanitarian crisis of biblical proportions... nothing i have read during this period of remembering, however, expresses my feelings better than this post by darksyde at daily kos...
Never to my knowledge have so many innocent Americans paid so dearly ... for such opportunity for a leader to stand up and unite our country, only to see our President and the Republican Congress, aided and abetted by Karl Rove and a gang of media shills and partisan think-tanks, seize those apocryphal moments and use them to divide us into warring camps for their selfish and short-sighted advantage. It's been five years of astonishing neocon ineptitude laced with a hefty dose of intentional malice, to a degree I would have not thought possible and would have handily dismissed as crazy, had someone tried to warn me beforehand. The lesson should have been freely obvious, but as it happens, the cost of our collective education has been incalculable: Those that detest government, divert funds from community projects into the coffers of billionaires and corporations, and avoid accountability, aren't terribly effective at governance. Katrina was a stellar example, only one of many, of what that kind of philosophy produces.

they so need to go, all of them... that this criminal bunch are still in office in this last week of august, 2006, is a disgrace to everything the united states could and should (and used to) stand for...

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