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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Enough of the "See, I told you so," shit
Mandy: Great blog!
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Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Monday, August 28, 2006

Enough of the "See, I told you so," shit

i've deliberately avoided commenting on the rash of flights being held up or diverted due to possible terror threats, but i can't hold back any more... it seems like since the foiled and not terribly convincing HEATHROW BOMB PLOT, the authorities have been bending over backwards to demo just how much danger we're REALLY IN every time we fly... solid results so far...? zero, zip, nada, zilch, fuggedaboudit...
US Airways flight 3441 from Philadelphia to Houston was diverted today after a threatening note was reportedly discovered, RAW STORY has learned.

Reuters is reporting that the flight has been diverted to Bristol, Tennessee, where it landed "without incident." CNN has confirmed similar reports.

nosirree... i'm going to wait to pee my pants until i'm old, incontinent, and wearing depends...

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