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And, yes, I DO take it personally: No, small investors aren't "losing their appetite for risk," they finally get that they've been fleeced
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

No, small investors aren't "losing their appetite for risk," they finally get that they've been fleeced

and we're not going to hand over our money to the wall street casino quite so freely any more... fool me once, twice, three times, hey...! maybe i'll start getting a clue, particularly when those i put in office to supposedly look after MY interests hand trillions of my dollars over to the wall street crooks who just finished squandering everything i'd put in to THEIR hands in the foolish belief THEY had my interests at heart... HA...!
Investors withdrew a staggering $33.12 billion from domestic stock market mutual funds in the first seven months of this year, according to the Investment Company Institute, the mutual fund industry trade group. Now many are choosing investments they deem safer, like bonds.

If that pace continues, more money will be pulled out of these mutual funds in 2010 than in any year since the 1980s, with the exception of 2008, when the global financial crisis peaked.

Small investors are “losing their appetite for risk,” a Credit Suisse analyst, Doug Cliggott, said in a report to investors on Friday.

screw 'em... they can all go rot in hell...

p.s. atrios has a slightly different take...

It isn't about uncertainty or appetite for risk, it's about not having any fucking income.

yeah, that too, but my hunch is that, even if they did, they'd be goddam leery of putting it back in the hands of crooks...

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