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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Nonnie, nonnie, boo-boo, Wolfie's guilty
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Nonnie, nonnie, boo-boo, Wolfie's guilty

shame on YOU...!
A World Bank panel has found the International Financial Institution's President guilty of a 'conflict of interest,' according to a breaking report at the New York Times website.

"A bank committee formally transmitted its findings that he was guilty of a conflict of interest in arranging for a pay raise and promotion in 2005 to Shaha Ali Riza, his companion," wrote Steven Weisman late on Monday afternoon.

like i said the other day...
the burden of acting or not acting ethically lies squarely with paul wolfowitz and blaming anyone or anything else is a gigantic load of bullshit... to avoid any appearance of impropriety, shaha riza should have resigned and severed all formal business contact with both the bank and its president, her main squeeze, and if she wouldn't do that, it was up to wolfowitz to dismiss her... nothing else would have sufficed...

kellems must have known this was coming or at least had a very strong suspicion... do you suppose he'll go back to work for darth now...?

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