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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Kellems bids adieu to Wolfie. Who's next?
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Kellems bids adieu to Wolfie. Who's next?

ah-HA...! this is good, very good... kellem's job reportedly entailed being the one who moved between wolfie's bubble and the outside world... maybe he's seen the writing on the wall...
Kevin Kellems, a key Wolfowitz aide at the World Bank who served previously as an adviser at the Pentagon in the run-up to the war and as Dick Cheney’s communications director, told Reuters he was “leaving for other opportunities.”

steve clemons' take on wolfie's immediate staff, including kellems...
According to one senior insider who feels as if Wolfowitz is gut-punching the most talented teams at the bank and indicated that morale is plummeting, "Wolfowitz just does not talk to his Vice Presidents. He speaks to a few close advisors -- Kevin Kellems, Robin Cleveland, Karl Jackson, some others -- but a lot of very good people are leaving."

What Wolfowitz has done that has started a serious wave of negative sentiment against him among his ranks is that he has appointed Kevin Kellems -- Vice President Cheney's former Communications Director and Spokesman -- as a "director" of the bank, which formally reports to a Vice President of the Bank -- while at the same time making him Senior Advisor to Wolfowitz.

In other words, Wolfowitz is forcing a political appointment at the "director level" of the bank -- which is never done. "Director" positions are fairly low in the World Bank bureaucracy and are filled by a competitive process and the merits of one's work -- not political imposition.

However, Wolfowitz on January 10, 2006 made Kellems Director of Strategy in the External Affairs, Communications and United Nations Affairs Vice Presidency while at the same time Senior Advisor to the President of the Bank.

just a small insight into why wolfie has engendered such negativity among world bank employees...

and, yes, naomi klein, i am definitely one of those american liberals who are "addicted to the fleeting rush that comes from forcing neocons to resign..."

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