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And, yes, I DO take it personally: The REAL purpose of Darth's middle east trip
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Monday, May 07, 2007

The REAL purpose of Darth's middle east trip

Scheduled stops include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

shoulda figgered something was up besides following in condi's footsteps trying to undo whatever she'd managed to do (or to do whatever she hadn't managed to do)...
The governments of Saudi Arabia and the United States are working with other states in the Middle East region to sponsor covert action against Iran, according to a report in this month's edition of The Atlantic [subscribers only]. The report also suggests that covert attacks may occur against Iran's oil sector.

David Samuels, in a lengthy article on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's diplomatic initiatives in the Middle East, reports that the US is promoting a campaign against Iran that includes covert action.

a reminder from last night's post quoting jeffrey feldman...
Dick Cheney's visit to the Middle East will do to that region what saltwater does to an open wound, what gasoline does to an open flame. Cheney's visit will bring more pain, more flames, more bombs, more lost limbs, more piles of corpses, more puddles of blood, more destroyed Iraqi hopes, more destroyed U.S. military families.

Cheney's visit will send diplomatic efforts backwards, not forwards. It will destroy alliances, not build them.

there's little doubt in my mind that the two most evil men on the planet are dick cheney and karl rove...

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