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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Ron Paul gave an answer THIS voter wanted to hear
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Ron Paul gave an answer THIS voter wanted to hear

over at the huffpo, linda milazzo seizes on a very important moment in last week's repub debate, something i haven't seen picked up elsewhere...
The resounding moment of truth during Thursday's Reagan-raptured debate came when Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul said he preferred Internet reporting to mainstream media, then strongly defended the need for Internet freedom and independence.

When asked the question, "Do you trust the mainstream media?" Dr. Paul instantly replied:

"Some of them [mainstream media]. But I trust the Internet a lot more. And I trust the freedom of expression and that's why we should never interfere with the Internet. That's why I've never voted to regulate the Internet even when there's the temptation to put bad things on the Internet. Regulation of bad and good on the Internet should be done differently. But there's every reason to believe we have enough freedom in this country to have freedom of expression and that's what's important..."


What a welcome relief to hear a Presidential candidate willing to take on New Media, where establishment rules of "off limits" and "quid pro quo" no longer apply. Where predictable questions which candidates rehearse are replaced with relevant questions 'we-the-people' want to know.

i will echo the "bravo...!" not a day passes that i don't think about bushco efforts that are undoubtedly underway to restrict the free flow of information on the internet as has happened to our other supposedly free-speech media outlets...

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