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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Now, all Gonzo's "I don't recalls" make sense
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Now, all Gonzo's "I don't recalls" make sense

emptywheel comments on the bombshell murray waas dropped yesterday...
So, too, does this put Gonzales in an awfully awkward position. All that forgetfulness, all the claims that he was only marginally informed make sense, now. But they make sense for the very good reason that Gonzales was marginally informed only after being very well informed that he was about to become very marginally informed. His lack of recall looks all the more pathetic the more deliberate it appears.

yeah, i was saying the same thing yesterday after reading murray's article...

delegating away your hiring and firing authority, particularly when it's to relatively inexperienced staff political operatives and it involves the selection of highly experienced professionals, is bad enough on its face, but when those inexperienced staff are being used as a cover so that the REAL deciders in the white house are shielded, that's bad, real bad... no wonder leahy had a fit...

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