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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Crankin' the propaganda handle on the axis of evil
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"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Crankin' the propaganda handle on the axis of evil

you gotta wonder about the timing...

yeah, sure, we could talk, why not, as long as i'm going to be in the area anyway... and, oh, by the way, we still categorize your country as The Most Evil Country on the Face of the Planet...
great way to head off to a meeting, ain't it...?
The State Department has once again designated Iran as the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, accusing the Islamic Republic of aiding extremists throughout the Middle East, particularly in Iraq.

Although the designation is not new, the release of the department's annual global survey of terrorism comes at a delicate moment — just days ahead of a possible meeting between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iran's top diplomat.

Rice could meet Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki when they both attend a weekend conference of Iraq's neighbors aimed at boosting stability in a nation where the report says terrorist attacks, some backed by Iran, killed more than 13,000 civilians in 2006.

so, here's the ap, once again, aiding and abetting bush administration propaganda, taking information from the government as a factual given, and providing zero context about the fact that the position of iran vis a vis the united states is considerably less black and white than the bush administration would like us to believe...

also, what's truly ironic is the hypocrisy of the u.s. issuing a global survey of terrorism and judging other countries on their support or non-support of terrorism when the u.s. itself is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism by a large margin... and don't think for one second that a large chunk of the rest of the world doesn't just cluck their tongues and shake their heads when a report like this comes out...

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