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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Ray McGovern examines why Sen. Carl Levin so willingly raised the white flag
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Ray McGovern examines why Sen. Carl Levin so willingly raised the white flag

some thoughts on why levin would undermine harry reid so blatantly...
Never before have I felt such irk from a Cheney smirk -- the one with which he confidently assured CBS's Bob Schieffer on April 15's "Face the Nation" that the Democrats will continue to vote to fund the war without including serious restrictions.

Cheney referred approvingly to the fact that "Carl Levin, who's chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has indicated that they definitely do want to pass funding for the troops."


But how is it that Cheney can enlist the likes of Carl Levin in a policy built on the backs of American troops? Based on recent casualty rates, some 1,500 American troops already "in harm's way" will die, and several times that number will be wounded before Cheney and Bush leave office -- not to mention the ever mounting casualties among Iraqis.

ray mcgovern asks a very good question and offers a possible answer...
Federal Election Commission records show that Levin has received more money from pro-Israel political action committees than any other senator. But, given his distinguished record, it would seem appropriate to give him the benefit of the doubt. It seems less likely that he is influenced by the money than by his penchant to see little or no daylight between what he perceives to be Israel's interests and those of the United States.

wouldn't it be nice if we could have labels on our elected representatives as informative as those we have on our food products...? levin's would read, Sen. Carl Levin, D-MI AIPAC...

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