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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Gone for a week, and look what I come back to...
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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Gone for a week, and look what I come back to...

more of the same shit...

i now know more about how foley REALLY spent his time (and our money) as a congressman... not that i couldn't have pretty well figured it out for myself...

Foley was able to operate unimpeded for years -- forming the friendships with pages that would be the seeds of online relationships later on -- in spite of rigorous supervision of the teenagers in the congressional page program and a "zero-tolerance" policy for pages and adults who broke its rules.


[H]is interest in the boys coincided with the ambitions of many of the teenagers, who craved contact with members in hopes of fostering political careers of their own.

the big story seems to be how iraq has turned into pure poison for the r's aspirations for never-ending political power...

now that most of the u.s. population is on record as being against the iraq war, the wapo's been scrambling lately for space in one of the lifeboats leaving bush's ship of fools... maybe fred hiatt has seen the light... and, then again, ya never know... we'll just have to take it a day at a time...

President Bush said this month that he was willing to "change tactics" in Iraq if U.S strategy was not working. We believe the time has come for such a change.

the nyt, characteristically, is less tactful and much more reality-based about any possible change of administration iraq policy...
[T]he way this sudden change of heart has come about, after months in which Mr. Bush has brushed off all criticism of his policies as either misguided, politically motivated or downright disloyal to America, is maddening. For far too long, the White House has looked upon the war as a tactical puzzle for campaign strategists. The early notion of combining Iraq and the war on terror as an argument for re-electing Republicans robbed the nation of any serious chance for a bipartisan discussion of these life-and-death issues.

but, take heart, bush supporters... your man isn't going to let a little thing like a flat-out disaster sway him from his entrenched, mindless course of action...
President Bush met with his top advisers and military commanders on Iraq yesterday in a White House session that, senior officials said, weighed options for forging a way forward amid the surging violence but did not contemplate any major shifts in strategy.


"Our goal is clear and unchanging: Our goal is victory," he said. "What is changing are the tactics we use to achieve that goal. Our commanders on the ground are constantly adjusting their approach to stay ahead of the enemy, particularly in Baghdad."

and what would any high-level bush administration meeting be without a denial being issued on SOMETHING...?
White House officials denied a New York Times report, posted yesterday afternoon on the newspaper's Web site, that said the administration is drafting a timetable for the Iraqi government to take on that greater role in securing the country.

and, just to make sure we haven't lost our sense of the truly bizarre...

lord knows, it's scarey enough to hear shit like this coming out of george's mouth, but when it's the u.s. chairman of the u.s. joint chiefs doing the spouting, we've got bigger problems than we thought...

The top US general defended the leadership of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, saying it is inspired by God.

"He leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country," said Marine General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

fortunately, there's a wonderful group called votevets, to which i am proud to belong, that ain't gonna let this criminal gang literally get away with murder... check this votevets ohio campaign video about jim talent's support of doing body armor on the cheap...

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