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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Flailing, flailing... Rove's stuck and taking 'em all down with him
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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Flailing, flailing... Rove's stuck and taking 'em all down with him

i've lost count of the number of campaigns bush has waged to "rebuild" support for iraq and the global war on terror world war III fight against islamic fascists... none of them have worked, but karl is still convinced that labeling any and all criticism as terminal wussiness and hatred for america is the magic charm that will make things right in the bush bubble once more...
President Bush and his surrogates are launching a new campaign intended to rebuild support for the war in Iraq by accusing the opposition of aiming to appease terrorists and cut off funding for troops on the battlefield, charges that many Democrats say distort their stated positions.

With an appearance before the American Legion in Salt Lake City today, Bush will begin a series of speeches over 20 days centered on the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

could we have some quotes, please...?
Pressed to support these allegations, the White House yesterday could cite no major Democrat who has proposed cutting off funds or suggested that withdrawing from Iraq would persuade terrorists to leave Americans alone. But White House and Republican officials said those are logical interpretations of the most common Democratic position favoring a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq.

and who is this lovely strategy attributed to...?
"A lot of the people who say we need to withdraw from Iraq say we'll be safer, and I don't think that's accurate," said Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, a key architect of the party's strategy heading into the fall congressional campaign.

take a close look at mehlman... honestly, do you think he could be the architect of ANYTHING...?

now, take a look at THIS guy... notice the difference...?

hint: look at the eyes...

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