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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Santorum is now singing in the Islamofascist choir
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Santorum is now singing in the Islamofascist choir

hard on the heels of my earlier post about carter agreeing to talk with khatami...
Embattled conservative Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) blasted the Bush Administration today for allowing a former Iranian president to visit the United States, RAW STORY has learned.

"I am outraged," Santorum said of the administration's approval of Mohammad Khatami's request for visa. "Mohammed Khatami is one of the chief propagandists of the Islamic Fascist regime... I believe that granting a visa to Khatami so that he can travel around the United States and mislead the American people is a mistake."

well, rick, i TOO am outraged, but for different reasons than you are... in the granting-visas-to-undesirables department, had you deigned to huff and puff over the visit of nursultan nazarbayev of kazakhstan, then maybe you might have a leg to stand on...

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