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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Jimmy puts George to shame
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jimmy puts George to shame

what, i would like to know, is wrong with TALKING, particularly to those you are in conflict with...? first, ask george... then, ask jimmy...

For an event that would turn a page in American history, former president Jimmy Carter has agreed in principle to host former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami for talks during his visit to the United States starting this week.


"President Carter, in his role since leaving the White House, has made his office and services and center available to basically anybody who wants to talk. He believes that it is much better to be talking to people who you have problems with than not to, and that's the approach he takes now," [Phil Wise, the former president's aide] said.

but it won't be without the bush administration blanketing the entire thing in hypocrisy...
[T]he Bush administration issued a visa for Khatami yesterday, as well as for about a dozen family and staff members, for a visit lasting about two weeks, the State Department confirmed. Khatami is expected to arrive in the United States tomorrow.


"Mr. Khatami is free to meet with who he chooses and is able to speak freely in the United States -- the very freedoms that do not exist in Iran," a White House official said on the condition of anonymity.

why, pray tell, would that "white house official" need to speak on condition of anonymity...? perhaps because white man speak with forked tongue...?

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