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And, yes, I DO take it personally: U.S. Corporations in Argentina - closed fortresses
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

U.S. Corporations in Argentina - closed fortresses

this caught my eye while i was out for a walk this afternoon...

this is a photo of united technologies' (a big, BIG defense industry player, btw, e.g., blackhawk helicopters) subsidiary's, carrier corp., offices in the municipality of vicente lopez, just outside the capital district of buenos aires proper... it's basically a fortress... notice the armored, garage door-style front entrance that can be lowered down and secured... notice the iron mesh that is bolted in front of the building's windows all the way up to the 4th floor... i'm not here to tell you that non-u.s. corporations in argentina are just wide open, y'all come, but i thought this was a bit telling...

if and when i remember, i'll have to grab a photo of the ironclad fortress that serves as citibank's argentina hq down in the city center...

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