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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Glenn: " How can an administration ... which ... sustains itself with Wall Street funding ... possibly maintain any pretense of populist support...?"
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Glenn: " How can an administration ... which ... sustains itself with Wall Street funding ... possibly maintain any pretense of populist support...?"

It can't.

i was talking with (ok, ok... more like i was expounding to) my macedonian friend earlier today while waiting for the bus to prishtina about how i have grave fears for my country, fears i thought would disappear like a bad dream once obama got elected but instead are even more dire than they were in the depths of the bush era... then i met three particularly nice folks on the bus - a swede, an austrian and a german - and got wound up all over again... (i don't know why it is but non-u.s. people seem to be able to understand what's really going on in the world so much better than my fellow countrymen...)

glenn, as is so often the case, captures my feelings precisely...

There are few more bitter ironies than watching the Republican Party -- controlled at its core by the very business interests responsible for the country's vast and growing inequality; responsible for massive transfers of wealth to the richest; and which presided over and enabled the economic collapse -- now become the beneficiaries of middle-class and lower-middle-class economic insecurity. But the Democratic Party's failure/refusal/inability to be anything other than the Party of Tim Geithner -- continuing America's endless, draining Wars while plotting to cut Social Security, one of the few remaining guarantors of a humane standard of living -- renders them unable to offer answers to angry, anxious, resentful Americans. As has happened countless times in countless places, those answers are now being provided instead by a group of self-serving, hateful extremist leaders eager to exploit that anger for their own twisted financial and political ends. And it seems to be working.

It is indeed difficult to believe that the country will so quickly return to power the same Republican Party -- in an even more warped and primitive form -- that virtually destroyed the U.S. over the last decade through a mix of extreme corruption, recklessness and lawlessness. But nothing is more foolish than underestimating the dangers that come from this potent mix of economic oppression and the aggressive fanning of racial and ethnic resentments.

i see nothing good down the road and am deeply dreading the november elections...

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