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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Obama, Hillary AND McCain's passport files breached
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Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama, Hillary AND McCain's passport files breached

it was interesting enough when it was just obama...
3 Candidates' Files Breached, State Department Says

Passport files for Hillary Rodham Clinton, John McCain and
Barack Obama were improperly accessed, the State Department

ok, so here's yours truly... last friday, i sent my passport off to washington d.c. via dhl so that it could be hand-carried to the afghanistan embassy (there isn't an afghan embassy in argentina) and a visa entered... it was put handed BACK to dhl on wednesday afternoon... according to dhl's tracking system, it left their miami facility at 5:02 p.m. yesterday, which is the last time the package was scanned... i keep refreshing the tracking screen and that's all i get... i assume it was put on dhl's overnight flight to argentina, but it should have been scanned in here on arrival... passports are extremely important items and anything and everything related to them should be treated with extreme care and utmost confidentiality, so reading about barack, hillary, and john having their passport records breached doesn't inspire a great deal of confidence, i can assure you...

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