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And, yes, I DO take it personally: The WaPo notes Obama's "spiritual reawakening" in another virtuoso display of context-free journalism [w/UPDATE]
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Monday, October 29, 2007

The WaPo notes Obama's "spiritual reawakening" in another virtuoso display of context-free journalism [w/UPDATE]

the entire story builds on this opening paragraph... (pay no attention to that throw-away little 12th paragraph...)
[T]he Democratic presidential candidate from Illinois -- hoping his campaign can recapture some of that old-time religious fervor -- launched a three-city gospel concert series over the weekend across the state, in North Charleston, Greenwood and Columbia.

i kept reading, becoming more and more astonished at how a major news outlet could completely ignore the homophobic element that aravosis at americablog (here, among many other posts) has been all over like flies on shit - until, that is, the sole mention appeared, 12 paragraphs down, inserted between parentheses, almost as an afterthought...
(The gospel series also draws attention because of the inclusion of the Grammy-winning gospel singer Donnie McClurkin, who has publicly said he overcame his homosexual thoughts and desires through prayer.)

no mention of WHY mcclurkin and his "getting over being gay through prayer" stance was drawing attention, WHERE it had been exposed, and the veritable firestorm that has ensued since... what a pathetic excuse for journalism... what a pathetic excuse for a newspaper...


my sincere apologies to the wapo... i have since read a lead story on obama in the la times which doesn't mention the homophobia flap AT ALL... i simply failed to appreciate the fact that the wapo isn't alone in its race to the bottom of context-free reporting...

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