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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Do I take it personally?
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Do I take it personally?

I wonder if most people are genuinely mad because they have been personally wronged, or if they are mad because the media tells them to be." -- from a comment at The Washington Post blog

[R]epeal [of the 4th Amendment] wouldn't mean a government camera in every bedroom." -- from a comment at The [very Right leaning] Volokh Conspiracy

DemocracyNow! has a new story about how Intelligence is largely farmed out to Corporatism. The Register reports that Bush is following up on the Attorney General's declaration that Big Brother must be given carte blanche instead of being limited to specific authorizations of existing technology. I guarantee you he is playing catch-up. They are already well out ahead of themselves.

People are being thrown off-track by being made to imagine that this is all about listening in on a few overseas phone calls. The Global Information Grid (Infosphere), is much larger than that. It surely includes total domestic spying. In ACLU, et al. v. NSA, et al. (.pdf), the court dismissed and said:

Even though the plaintiffs alleged a well-founded fear that their communications were subject to illegal surveillance, the court dismissed the case because plaintiffs could not state with certainty that they had been wiretapped by the National Security Agency."

Ok, so what do I care? How am I spied on? What is my empirical data? Well I have supposed the extent of spying for many, many, years. I have tried to live as much as I can as a "blank". I try as best as I can to conduct my life as anonymously as possible:

BENE QUI LATUIT BENE VIXIT" - Translation: (Latin) - He who has kept well in obscurity has lived well.

I would like to subscribe to a NEWS SERVER and/or a GLOBAL INTERNET TELEVISION SERVICE without notifying the government. I had a system worked out where a courier would travel a thousand miles distance for me and drop a cash payment in the mail from that far, to a provider. The last time I did this, the next day after the mail drop, the president announced an executive order that he was permitting government to now open mail.

Similarly, I obtained an anonymous debit card. The rules were immediately changed to require Social Security Numbers for debit cards as well as credit cards. These services now insist on credit card only accounts, never mind that on CASH, it says that it is good for all debts public and private. Who says that this is not total global & domestic spying?

Like I said previously, predictably, there will be diversion of information, it will be data mined and it will be used for political purposes.

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