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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Gonzo: I look forward to working with you IF I still have my fracking job
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Gonzo: I look forward to working with you IF I still have my fracking job

there is only ONE reason why the wapo would give you a platform to air your pathetic lies, and that is because you are, sadly, STILL attorney general of the united states... and there is only ONE reason why you would seek to take advantage of such a platform, and that is because you are scheduled to testify to congress this coming tuesday, and you want to make your opening statement follow as closely as possible the lies you are writing in the wapo today, which, to your way of thinking, will somehow make them more believable...
What began as a well-intentioned management effort to identify where, among the 93 U.S. attorneys, changes in leadership might benefit the department, and therefore the American people, has become an unintended public controversy.

and, while you're at it, stop sounding like some red-faced teenager who was caught with an embarrassing stash of hard porn, and is trying to convince his parents that a friend had asked him to keep it for him, and how stupid he was to do something like that, and that he will never do it again, and that, if they want, mom and dad can check his room and his backpack regularly for themselves, just so they can see he has nothing to hide...
While I have never sought to deceive Congress or the American people, I also know that I created confusion with some of my recent statements about my role in this matter. To be clear: I directed my then-deputy chief of staff, Kyle Sampson, to initiate this process; fully knew that it was occurring; and approved the final recommendations. Sampson periodically updated me on the review. As I recall, his updates were brief, relatively few in number and focused primarily on the review process.

During those conversations, to my knowledge, I did not make decisions about who should or should not be asked to resign.

I am committed to explaining my role in this process and will do so Tuesday when I testify before Congress.

I am also committed to correcting any management missteps that occurred during this process. In recent weeks I have met with more than 70 U.S. attorneys around the country to hear their concerns and discuss ways to improve communication and coordination between their offices and the Justice Department.

These discussions have been frank, and good ideas are coming out, including ways to ensure that every U.S. attorney can know whether his or her performance is at the level expected by the president and the attorney general. Additionally, I have asked for recommendations on formal and informal steps that we can take to improve all forms of dialogue between the main Justice Department and U.S. attorneys nationwide.

I am also telling our 93 U.S. attorneys that I look forward to working with them to pursue the great goals of our department in the weeks and months to come.

hey, al... i hope your friendship with kyle sampson is incredibly strong, cuz, if it ain't, he's going to end up hating your ass for the rest of his life... also, gonzo, you might just try grabbing for a little reality and tell those u.s. attorneys that you look forward to working with them IF you still have your fracking job...

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