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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Ohio citizens get the vote
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Ohio citizens get the vote

besides going down the toilet in his gubernatorial bid (he's behind strickland 25 points in recent polls), blackwell loses a court suit that basically confirms what we already knew - he's been working hard on fixing elections so the r's will win in ohio...
A federal judge has thrown out Ohio's new rules governing voter registration drives, saying the regulations appear to be unconstitutional.

The lawsuit was filed in July by a coalition of groups. Judge Kathleen O'Malley ruled on Thursday that state Democratic lawmakers may join the challenge.

Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, Ohio's chief elections officer and the Republican candidate for governor, predicted that the state would win the court challenge.

tough shit, ken... maybe we should allow ALL ohio citizens the right to vote, whaddaya think...?

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