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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Bush takes his case to veterans... I AM a veteran and I ain't buyin'... "Ideological struggle" my ass...
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Bush takes his case to veterans... I AM a veteran and I ain't buyin'... "Ideological struggle" my ass...

he can take his damn case somewhere else...
Bush Takes His Case to Veterans
War in Iraq Depicted as One Against Radical Islamic Terrorism

President Bush renewed his effort to shore up flagging public support for fighting the Iraq war, appearing before one of the country's major veterans groups to cast the war as part of a larger ideological struggle against radical Islamic terrorism.


"The war we fight today is more than a military conflict," Bush said Thursday. "It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century."

i fail to understand how any veteran in his or her right mind can support this jerk... bush and his walking case study in senile dementia, rummy, have shown are ruining both the nation's military and its support for military veterans... there's still a lot of bumper stickers flying around out there - "veterans for bush/cheney '06" - and i grimace every time i see one... (fortunately, i don't get to see many here in argentina...!) i guess that the assumption is that, just because you're a veteran, you're automatically pro-iraq war... maybe that's got some truth to it, but, nonetheless, i simply can't see how any veteran can support that man...

as for the "decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century" crap, it gives me the cold chills... it's just one more clue as to what lies under the skin of the man who, in his arrested development, holds the reins of the world's most powerful nation...

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