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And, yes, I DO take it personally: A rare clear day in Skopje, Macedonia
Mandy: Great blog!
Mark: Thanks to all the contributors on this blog. When I want to get information on the events that really matter, I come here.
Penny: I'm glad I found your blog (from a comment on Think Progress), it's comprehensive and very insightful.
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nora kelly: I enjoy your site. Keep it up! I particularly like your insights on Latin America.
Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

A rare clear day in Skopje, Macedonia

after darkness fell last night, a strong wind picked up and, by this morning, had blown away all the crap that usually hangs over the city... when that happens, which it does all too rarely, it's possible to appreciate just what kind of spectacular scenery macedonia has to offer...

The Shar Planina Mountains as
seen from the west side of
Skopje, the neighborhood of
Karpos, with Titov Vrv (Mt.
Tito) on the far right

Titov Vrv, close-up

note the cell phone antenna atop the building in the lower left... we're never far enough away that we can't be reached - or spied on...!

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