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And, yes, I DO take it personally: In the "take it for what it's worth dept," more on Rove
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

In the "take it for what it's worth dept," more on Rove

lessee... i'm 6 hours ahead of edt... that could put the press conference, assuming it's held sometime between noon and 2, in prime time in macedonia... thank god for satellite...
[A]n announcement concerning the indictment of Rove will be made on Friday, May 19 generally following the same scenario from October 28, 2005 -- the posting of the indictment on the Special Prosecutor's web site followed by a press conference at Main Justice.

and luskin too...!?!
[P]art of the reason for Fitzgerald's visit to Patton and Boggs was to inform Rove attorney Luskin that he has moved into the category of a "subject" of the special prosecutor's investigation as a result of a conversation with Time reporter Viveca Novak, in which Novak told Luskin that Rove was a source for Time's Matt Cooper. The special prosecutor, who has prosecuted one defense attorney in the Hollinger case, is reportedly investigating whether Luskin, as an officer of the court, may have violated laws on obstruction of justice.

talk about a bunker-buster...! taking rove out would be sweet enough but if his attorney goes down with him...? NOW, we're talking...! and, yeah, ok, maybe i'm guilty of wishful thinking, but, imho, this is one straw that's well worth grabbing on to...

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