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And, yes, I DO take it personally: SOTU plans
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

SOTU plans

Like profmarcus, Bush's physical presence makes my skin crawl. The sound of his voice makes me want to retch. His beady little eyes darting here and there, and that smirk, oh god, that smirk.

But this is my country...still... and I feel duty bound to watch, out of love for my country and what she is supposed to be, not any respect for the squatter in the Oval Office. As much as I despise him and the bastards he rode in with, I have to keep an eye on him. So, I am having a State of the Union Watch Party and there will be about 11 of us here, commiserating, drinking, etc. So, though I won't be online to give you a blow-by-blow live, I will post my thoughts (drunken though they may be) later.

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