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And, yes, I DO take it personally: While you were out: the SOTU
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

While you were out: the SOTU

here in sofia, bulgaria, cnn international will be offering a live broadcast of bush's state of the union address - at 4 a.m. eastern european time... i hereby announce that i will NOT be awake to see it... even if i was in the u.s., i would make a point of not watching... i have such a visceral reaction when i watch bush speak that i am only able to tolerate a couple of minutes at a time without becoming severely agitated... part of my professional work is the close observation of communication styles, body language and so forth and, if i may say so, i'm pretty damn good at it... but there is something about watching bush that pushes every button i have... if skadi or toby would like to offer some timely reaction, i hope they will feel free... as for me, i will rely on the news clips and sound bites i will no doubt see in great abundance after i wake up at a more civilized hour...

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