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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Bush will swagger to the podium tonight with Alito's confirmation hung around his neck like a medal
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bush will swagger to the podium tonight with Alito's confirmation hung around his neck like a medal

there's lots of post-mortems and we-may-have-lost-the-battle- but-we-haven't-lost-the-war discussions going on all over the blogs... my prediction is that we will be treated to a new height of smirking and arrogance in tonight's state-of-the-union address followed closely by more revelations and demonstrations that president bush is putting a firm lock on absolute executive power and, in so doing, feels quite comfortable in flipping off the american people...
The Senate on Monday all but guaranteed Samuel Alito's confirmation as the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice, shutting down a last-minute attempt by liberals to block the conservative judge's nomination with a filibuster.

Republican and Democratic senators, on a 72-25 vote, agreed to end their debate, setting up a Tuesday morning vote on Alito's confirmation to replace retiring moderate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

food for thought... how would you feel about having george bush serving an open-ended term as president so as not to compromise the conduct of the war on terror...?

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