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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Obama traveled West on Sunday in search of campaign funds and an energized base
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama traveled West on Sunday in search of campaign funds and an energized base

he can say whatever he wants to whomever he wants... he can reach out to his "base," he can reach out to minorities, he can blast republicans, he can preach populism, he can claim solidarity with labor and the working class... it makes no difference... it's all just words and i no longer pay any attention to his words... the best campaigning the man could possibly do would be to take strong action to back up those words... sadly, the only strong actions i've seen so far are totally aligned with the banksters, wall street and the military-corporate-industrial complex...

from the hill (emphases added)...

President Obama traveled West on Sunday in search of campaign funds and an energized base.

With the third-quarter filing deadline looming this week, the president was attending seven fundraisers Sunday in Seattle and San Jose, Calif., blasting Republicans at every step.


Despite the projected confidence of campaign officials like David Axelrod who said recently that Obama does not have a problem with his base, Obama acknowledged at stops Sunday that "a lot of people are discouraged and a lot of people are disillusioned."

"I need you guys to shake off any doldrums,” Obama said. “I need you to decide right here and right now, talk to your friends and neighbors and coworkers and tell them, ‘You know what? We're not finished yet.’"

“The New York Times” reported Sunday that the Obama reelection campaign will target minorities and other key elements of Obama's base to make up for a loss of white voters who came out for Obama in 2008.

Obama warned the crowd that in 2012, the Republican "alternative I think is an approach to government that would fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st Century."

furthermore, don't try to convince me that the republicans are the "enemy"... the democrats are as complicit - if not more so - in the disaster that my country has come to represent as any republican... both parties are merely convenient distractions from the systematic looting of global resources (note that i said "global") being perpetrated by our super-rich elites, the same people who buy the offices for the "elected" officials who work solely for their interests... until i see serious action to change THAT, no amount of populist rhetoric is going to win my heart...

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