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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Our police state
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Our police state

the u.s. is jumping on the bandwagon with india, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates and - no surprise - going further, deeper and much more invasive... ya gotta love that obama...!
[O]fficials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like Facebook and software that allows direct “peer to peer” messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.

oh, yeah... swell...

here's what they're going to be asking for...

¶ Communications services that encrypt messages must have a way to unscramble them.

¶ Foreign-based providers that do business inside the United States must install a domestic office capable of performing intercepts.

¶ Developers of software that enables peer-to-peer communication must redesign their service to allow interception.

paul craig roberts posted a piece a few days ago entitled "It Is Official: The US Is A Police State" in which he was lamenting the fbi raid on anti-war activists in minneapolis... it's all of a piece, i'm afraid...

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