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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Edging closer to Pascua
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Edging closer to Pascua

a week from today semana santa - holy week - begins and argentina will be essentially shut down as will many latin american countries and other catholic countries around the world... as in the u.s., the stores are pushing pascua - easter - candy, hawked by cute cartoon bunnies sporting the traditional easter colors of dominant green and white...

meanwhile, here's a slightly different take on the season...

In this photo taken Jan. 30, 2010 in Houston and provided
by Jack Potts, a photograph by his 10-year-old son Jackson
Potts II depicts a nightstick-wielding policeman beating a child.
The image has sparked religious controversy and was excluded
from an exhibit depicting the Stations of the Cross. To Jackson,
a talented 10-year-old Houston photographer, and some art
lovers, the disturbing image is simply religious symbolism.
Jackson's younger brother Diedrich, 7, played the fallen
Christ-child role.

(Jackson Potts II/AP Photo)

evidently, the photo came a bit too close to the truth for some...
Jackson shot the photograph for an exhibit depicting the Stations of the Cross, but the show's organizers rejected it, sparking a controversy some say is overshadowing remembrance of Jesus' final hours during the season of Lent.

yes, it's disturbing but that's the point, isn't it...? senseless, inhuman violence directed at the innocent is SUPPOSED to be disturbing...

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