The Kabul ice cream man

i was sitting in the office in kabul one afternoon in early june, when i heard some music coming from outside that was unmistakably that of an ice cream vendor... now, i'm sure that, no matter where you might be in the world, that kind of music would immediately trigger a mental picture of "ice cream man"... i ran to the second-floor terrace just in time to see the man and his little, umbrella-covered cart disappearing around a corner... i was determined to get a video clip, so, for the next few days, i was primed, the moment i heard that music, to grab my camera and do the deed... several times, i heard the music, grabbed the camera, but couldn't quite pin down the location... i was telling this story to someone and they asked, "why didn't you run outside...?" i patiently explained that, in kabul, afghanistan, you simply didn't just RUN OUTSIDE... anyway, the afternoon before the morning i was to leave, i heard the music, snatched up my camera, ran to the terrace, and GOT HIM...!
i tried posting this well over a month ago but, for some reason, my youtube uploader wasn't working right, so, after several abortive efforts, i said to hell with it... today, i decided to re-install the uploader and, VOILA, it works...! (yes, i'm sometimes a little slow figuring things out...)
Labels: Afghanistan, ice cream, Kabul
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