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And, yes, I DO take it personally: it is happening...
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Sunday, November 04, 2007

it is happening...

John Stewart signaled the start of the writer's strike on Thursday. His shows are written fresh so none are in the can. HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher is also fresh and Friday's featured an Interview with Blackwater expert Jeremy Scahill:

Blackwater's Total Intelligence Solutions, LLC, very name suggests a private version of what SAIC/Government's attempted with the Total Information Awareness program. SourceWatch calls Blackwater USA, "America's Holy Warriors". And why not, as Friedrich Nietzsche said:

Morality is the best of all devices for leading mankind by the nose."

That is why "America's Holy Warriors" are so intent upon private military warriors smiting sin. It is another reason that people should become alarmed at Scahill's disclosure that Erik Prince of Blackwater, USA, just received part of a $15 billion contract to fight the war on drugs. And that is just some of what we know about. Blackwater seems eager to smite sin with military force. How long before Blackwater gets into smiting sex porn and nudity, despite our First Amendment, et al?

So when my First Amendment right to what I want to write, see, produce or watch is encroached upon, I am loudly a First Amendment absolutist. And then Bill Mahers' other guests, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame, were a direct dichotomy to an absolute First Amendment. Valerie Plame agreed that the death penalty was appropriate for those that revealed her CIA employment. The blueprints that are used to destabilize parties, religions, race relations, labor, states and regions can anger opponents. It is better to carve out exceptions to our First Amendment, we are told.

On PBS: Bill Moyers Journal, we learned that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is pushing for even more media consolidation and plans to ram it through before Christmas.

What is happening in Pakastan CAN happen here. Look around. It is happening already. We need our First Amendment and our writers now more than ever.

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