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And, yes, I DO take it personally: BooMan: "Impeach or Armageddon"
Mandy: Great blog!
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

BooMan: "Impeach or Armageddon"

booman has a fairly comprehensive run-down on the run-up to what increasingly looks like war on iran, unless, of course, we bestir ourselves to toss the bastards out...
Considering how far Iran is away from actually having a nuclear bomb and how close we are to having a new administration, we cannot allow this attack on Iran to go on in the next 16 months. We can't hope that Condi Rice will resign, or that her resignation will prevent an attack. We have to impeach, convict, and remove this administration. Don't say it can't be done. It has to be done. Or it's Armageddon.

booman also has what i believe to be a pretty accurate perspective on darth and his evil...
[T]he word has definitely gotten out that Dick Cheney is frothing at the mouth to make more evil. There's not a constant amount of evil in the world, you know. It's not a zero-sum game. Cheney makes evil where evil did not previously exist. And his brush-clearing sidekick is too eager to go along.

george, darth and the other evil minions simply have to go... it's incomprehensible to me that their occupation of the white house continues, nearly seven years after the illegal 12 december 2000 scotus decision...

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