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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Keith Olbermann talks with Larry Johnson about the UK terror threat
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"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Keith Olbermann talks with Larry Johnson about the UK terror threat

it's pretty much the same line of thinking that i posted on friday in connection with juan cole's perspective...

however, in all fairness, i did run across the following diary on daily kos this morning...
I have to say that the Larry Johnson diary made my eyes pop when I first saw it on top of the RecList on Friday. There I am, sitting at my work desk, two floors above Oxford Street, with police cars screaming down the road throughout the day, and news of tube cancellations and evacuations coming through in the office email - and here is this diary on my monitor, saying it's all a crock of crap. It's true that American media has a tendency to blow everything way out of proportion. ... But for Larry Johnson to be so dismissive when he is so ill-informed was a very poor reflection on this great website.


It's true that these terrorists seem to be a bunch of utter incompetents and belong on the set of a farce. But you only need to get lucky once. There are still too many crazies out there who are itching to kill innocents. And I say this as a Muslim myself.

it would be a completely useless exercise for me to sit here, listening to the hot wind blowing across the high desert of the great basin, and pretend that i know anything more or less than anyone else about what the REAL situation is in london... but, i do know this... i no longer take anything i'm told as true, particularly when it involves terror threats and the level of fear the media attempts to create in their reportage of them...

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