Solid reason vs. Rove's talking points on Gonzo
two major media outlets, more often than not known for defending (or at least not attacking) bush, aren't at all happy that gonzales is still in office...
USA Today
meanwhile, george and the other loyal bushies stick to their scripted talking points...
our prez...
tony snow...
and orrin hatch...
real work, stunt, theater, partisan, fishing expedition, slinging mud, politics, publicity, no wrongdoing, man of integrity... note them well... they're all the same, they're all from the dark and twisted mind of karl rove, and, for sure, you haven't heard the last of them...
USA Today
Blame monumental stubbornness, misplaced loyalty or failure to grasp reality. Whatever the reason, President Bush insists on keeping Alberto Gonzales, an old friend and legal adviser, as attorney general.
Monday's vote doesn't — and shouldn't — mean that the Gonzales case is closed. Questions about the prosecutors' firings remain, ones that can be answered only by White House officials, including political adviser Karl Rove.
The White House has said it will allow the officials to testify only in private, with no transcript and not under oath. That's flatly unacceptable.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has authorized subpoenas for the officials. Now it's time to get to the bottom of the White House role in the firings and, just as important, in running the department.
The Justice Department and the American people deserve better than a discredited, wounded attorney general. Even if the Senate can't muster enough votes to pass a no-confidence resolution, it's long past time for the president to channel his legendary loyalty away from his old friend and toward the public interest.
[T]wo fundamental points: First, the president's apparently unshakable confidence in his attorney general is sadly misplaced. Second, the disturbing behavior uncovered in the investigation of the firing of U.S. attorneys cannot be dismissed as mere partisan politics, as much as the president would like to do so. Partisan politics was at work, yes, but in Mr. Bush's Justice Department...
Mr. Gonzales was the wrong choice to become the nation's chief law enforcement officer, and his conduct on the job has only served to underscore his unfitness.
meanwhile, george and the other loyal bushies stick to their scripted talking points...
our prez...
"This process has been drug out a long time, which says to me it's political," President Bush said yesterday. "There's no wrongdoing. . . . And therefore, I ascribe this lengthy series of news stories and hearings as political."
tony snow...
The Senate took time out to perform a little political theater Monday.
Gonzales doesn't deserve this. He is a man of great dedication and integrity.
The best way ... to create the foundation for some comity and cooperation in the nation's capital — is to stop slinging mud and start rolling up sleeves.
Real work beckons.
and orrin hatch...
This is purely a publicity stunt, designed to put something on the president's desk to embarrass him.
The nation's business waits while this fishing expedition continues.
real work, stunt, theater, partisan, fishing expedition, slinging mud, politics, publicity, no wrongdoing, man of integrity... note them well... they're all the same, they're all from the dark and twisted mind of karl rove, and, for sure, you haven't heard the last of them...
Labels: Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General, Department of Justice, George Bush, Karl Rove, no confidence vote, Orrin Hatch, Senate Judiciary Committee, subpoenas, Tony Snow, US Attorneys, US Senate
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