"[T]he refusal to impeach would be a decision as momentous as impeachment itself."
kagro x offers this may 1974 quote from arthur schlesinger...
as i've said ad nauseam, it isn't about impeachment per se, it's about getting those criminals OUT OF OFFICE in the most expeditious manner possible before they do any more damage, which they're continuing to do as we sit here, glued to our computer screens...
[T]he refusal to impeach would be a decision as momentous as impeachment itself. It would and could be interpreted only as meaning that Congress does not think [the President] has done anything to warrant impeachment. It would alter the historic relationship of Presidential power to the constitutional system of accountability for the use of that power. The message our generation would send to posterity would be that [the President], whatever his other disasters, had conceived and established a new conception of Presidential accountability, and that his successors, so long as they take care to avoid the crudities of a Watergate burglary, can expect to inherent [the President's] conception of inherent Presidential authority and to wield the unshared power with which he will have endowed the Presidency. Failure to impeach would be a vindication of a revolutionary theory of Presidential accountability.
as i've said ad nauseam, it isn't about impeachment per se, it's about getting those criminals OUT OF OFFICE in the most expeditious manner possible before they do any more damage, which they're continuing to do as we sit here, glued to our computer screens...
Labels: accountability, Arthur Schlesinger, Congress, George Bush, Impeachment, unitary executive, Watergate
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