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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Iraq - a continuing litany of death
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Friday, June 01, 2007

Iraq - a continuing litany of death

juan cole provides the gruesome summary...
122 US troops died in Iraq in May, the worst total since late 2004.

A radical Salafi group in Baghdad claimed to have killed two US embassy employees, a husband and a wife, after robbing them of large sums. The US embassy will only say that the two are missing. An AP cameraman was shot and killed on Thursday.

A massive suicide bombing of police recruits in the largely Sunni city of Fallujah west of Baghdad killed 30 and wounded 20 on Thursday, a day when Iraqi authorities announced that almost 100 persons were killed, found dead, or injured [Arabic] in political violence. (Western wire services appear to have put their stories to bed before the full scope of the carnage was apparent.] Five bodies turned up in Mosul; there was a bombing in Baghdad that killed 1 and wounded 3; at least 2 were killed by rocket fire in Tal Afar (link). 29 bodies showed up in Baghdad streets and a lecturer in Fine Arts was shot down in Basra (link).

it never gets better, it only gets worse...

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