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And, yes, I DO take it personally: "Congress should ... force the government to cease circumventing legitimate U.S. courts"
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

"Congress should ... force the government to cease circumventing legitimate U.S. courts"

i speculated in my earlier post that yesterday's guantánamo decisions could open a window of opportunity to make things right and perhaps lead to the repeal of the heinous military commissions act... i also speculated that military attorneys and judges may well be expressing their resistance to this draconian attempt to subvert the u.s. justice system... it looks like i was right on both counts...
Marine Col. Dwight Sullivan, head of the war crimes tribunal defense team, said that Congress should take the opportunity to force the government to cease circumventing legitimate U.S. courts in its effort to prosecute Guantanamo prisoners.

"The military commissions are a model that has repeatedly shown itself incapable of rendering justice," said Sullivan. He added that after the rulings, "if the United States government is wise, this would be the fatal blow to military commissions."

Monday's rulings could provide an opportunity for Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates to again propose moving trials to the U.S. mainland. Gates, who told Congress earlier this year that he favors shutting the prison, was traveling in Kyrgyzstan on Monday.

note the specific verbiage...

"legitimate U.S. courts"
"if the United States government is wise"
"fatal blow"

that these people don't approve of what they're being told to do is crystal clear... shouldn't their concerns be taken very seriously...?

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