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And, yes, I DO take it personally: The wingers anti-Calvert crusade. Dems, are you listening?
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Monday, May 14, 2007

The wingers anti-Calvert crusade. Dems, are you listening?

this is so very cool... they could actually earn some of my respect if they continue in this vein...
"A group of men and women across this nation ... are tired of defending a party that continually puts into positions of power known perverts, louts, and corrupt common criminals," editor Erick Erickson wrote in a post Monday outlining his "battle plan" against Republican leaders. "We must be willing to wage war upon them until they bend to common sense and decency."

RedState is encouraging its readers to refuse to support Republican re-election efforts until Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) is booted from the House Appropriations Committee. The site, which averages more than 25,000 visits per day, posted a "declaration of war" against Republican leaders Friday.

Calvert is replacing fellow California Republican Rep. John Doolittle, who has stepped down from the committee in the midst of an FBI investigation into his wife's business association with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Erickson says Calvert is just as corrupt as Doolittle, citing press reports outlining a questionable land deal in which Calvert made more than $400,000 profit. Calvert sold the property for nearly $1 million in 2006 after securing millions of dollars in federal earmarks to build a traffic interchange 15 miles away.

of course ken denies the charge, claiming that the "facts were twisted" to create an IMPRESSION of ethical impropriety... uh-huh... ok, ken, we'll concede that COULD be a possibility... but don't you suppose the redstaters might have a problem with this OTHER juicy item, backed up by the hard evidence of a police report...?
On Nov. 28, 1993, just after midnight, Corona [CA] police found a car near the southeast corner of Victoria Park. They spotlit the interior, and a woman’s head rose from the driver’s lap. He began to drive off. Police had to instruct him three times to stop before he complied. One officer noticed the man’s unzipped pants and exposed penis. The driver hid his manhood with his untucked shirttails and claimed, “We’re just talking. That’s all. Nothing else.” He went on to tell authorities that he was Ken Calvert and had picked up a woman he’d never met when she asked for a ride. His companion, Lore Lorena Lindberg, told authorities a different story: she claimed to have met Calvert earlier that night at the Office Bar in Corona. She admitted to being a convicted prostitute and heroin user. The only item on which the congressman and the prostitute agreed is that they only “pulled over to talk.”

power... money... arrogance... hypocrisy... lying... sexual indiscretion... they all seem to go together, don't they...? ken calvert... a heckuva guy...!

now, how about a few dems click on over to redstate and take a few pointers cuz i'm not liking what i'm hearing...

House Democrats are suddenly balking at the tough lobbying reforms they touted to voters last fall as a reason for putting them in charge of Congress.

Now that they are running things, many Democrats want to keep the big campaign donations and lavish parties that lobbyists put together for them. They're also having second thoughts about having to wait an extra year before they can become high-paid lobbyists themselves should they retire or be defeated at the polls.

The growing resistance to several proposed reforms now threatens passage of a bill that once seemed on track to fulfill Democrats' campaign promise of cleaner fundraising and lobbying practices.

it's in large part the uncontrolled flow of huge rivers of cash that has gotten us to such a sorry spot in this country... let me post a comment from jim burke to an earlier post that is so common-sensical, it positively leaps off the page...
I have only one practical solution to offer. No more private or corporate campaign donations of any kind. No RNC/DNC campaign money, No personal fortunes allowed for campaigning. The only money allowed for a campaign would come from the Treasury. An allowance amount based on the position and for a fixed period before the election. Mandatory equal air time for all candidates by media outlets as a public service.

After a few elections, folks not part of the Millionaires club might have a shot at getting elected.

Of course, auditable election results would be a mandatory requirement as well.

Just a dream I have.
Jim Burke | 05.14.07 - 8:13 am | #

sweet... very sweet...

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