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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Wow...! Repubs and neocons - "a reckless government of idiots"
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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Wow...! Repubs and neocons - "a reckless government of idiots"

evidently, the tuesday's thrashing of the repubs has opened the door to a bit more vocal sentiment out of the middle east than we're used to hearing... first, the "good riddance to rummy" from baghdad (see previous post), and now this out of jordan...
The Middle East is largely pleased with the outcome of the US midterms on Tuesday. It's about time that this "stupid government of Republicans" got what they deserved.


"The US government of Republicans and neo-conservatives, which is a reckless government of idiots, will be reined in with the Democrats taking over the House," Oraib Rintawi, President of the Al Quds Centre for Political Studies in Amman [said]. "The ability of the US to fuel crisis and start wars in the region will drop drastically." The Democratic take-over of Congress "is in the interest of all parties in the region."

i bet the above sentiments are being echoed around the world... everybody i've talked to here in argentina about it just smiles and puts two thumbs up in the air...

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