Next up: "A historic battle over the U.S. constitutional system"
robert parry...
i'm not sure the american people are completely clear on what they're tired of, and i firmly believe that the most staggering revelations are yet to come... but, it's a good start, and the sun is shining once again... Submit To Propeller
American Voters Just Say No
By throwing out the Republican majority in the House, the American voters just said no to George W. Bush -- and to his dark vision of endless war abroad and the end to the Republic at home. The stunning election results now set the stage for a historic battle over the U.S. constitutional system. Bush indicates he won't back down; the Democrats face some tough decisions on how to proceed. But the American people made clear they're sick and tired of Bush's claims to unlimited power.
i'm not sure the american people are completely clear on what they're tired of, and i firmly believe that the most staggering revelations are yet to come... but, it's a good start, and the sun is shining once again... Submit To Propeller