Why do I think PT9/11 is part of Rove's strategy...?
because the rovian stench is just too strong...
- 8 weeks to the mid-term elections, insuring the highest impact on public opinion
- Republicans will spend $45M on negative campaign ads targeting Democrats between now and the election
- The people behind PT9/11 are shadowy and at least 4 or 5 layers removed from those making the movie, a classic Rove strategem
- The Democrats are currently polling ahead of the Republicans and are predicted to take back the House of Representatives
- PT9/11 is a smear job on the Democrats
- Bush's speech is scheduled to air along with PT9/11
- ABC, demonstrating quintessential Rovian disdain for the American public in the face of overwhelming criticism, is refusing to cancel PT9/11
Choose the roughest, toughest person who has ever created wildly successful advertising and PR campaigns. Make damned sure this person is a real marketer, doesn't take any guff from anybody and is NOT a political stooge. Make sure ALL money flows to this one person and all spending is coordinated through this person.Submit To Propeller