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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Sergeant Major Myers is pissed
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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sergeant Major Myers is pissed

and rightfully so...
Today in Washington DC we have an administration that has lost touch with America. It has lost touch with America and all that this great nation has stood for for more than two centuries. The conduct of the war in Iraq has been and continues to be an embarrassment to this nation and has undermined our moral standing in the world to the point of making us virtually irrelevant. From the falsehoods that took us to the preemptive war in Iraq, to the atrocities of Abu Ghraib, to the shame that is Guantánamo Bay, and on to the injustices put upon innocent victims of rendition such as the Canadian Citizen, Maher Arar, and many others currently incarcerated in Guantánamo Bay, this administration has ceded the moral high ground. Indeed the chaos that is Iraq today serves only to shine a bright light on what I believe is this administrations ineptitude and moral depravity.

The debate that is occurring in Washington DC is one that should never occur and is a simple continuation of a policy that is lost. It is indeed a needless exercise that can only result in the further deterioration of what is left of our standing in the international community and jeopardize the well being of every American Soldier for generations to come. Torture simply does not work. This has been proven time and time again and I can personally witness to that fact and I believe that Senator John McCain can certainly attest to that fact even more strongly than I. Torture is not and instrument for extracting truth but is more accurately an instrument of revenge and an extractor of fiction.

Have we become a nation of cowards who seek revenge at any and all costs? Have we become a nation that is so depraved that we would resort to physical and psychological torture to extract information from another human being? These are the acts not of a just and honorable people but of cowards and people without moral stature. If the answer to these questions is yes then the constitution and nation that I and millions of other Americans dedicated their lives to, died for, and shed our blood for no longer exist.

i have been honored to know and work with several sergeants major in my life in addition to having one as a father-in-law... i can tell you that no one rises to the height of the enlisted ranks without displaying solid character, often character of a higher degree than those who rise to the top of the officer ranks... i have only shared a post of sgm myers once before, but, when he speaks, we all need to listen...

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