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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Joe Lieberman is not a victim... Joe Lieberman is a co-dependent to a cast of victimizers...
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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Joe Lieberman is not a victim... Joe Lieberman is a co-dependent to a cast of victimizers...

the wapo really steps in it with this editorial on lieberman/lamont...
Mr. Lieberman is also being pummeled for his ability to work with Republicans and get things done in Washington -- also rare traits -- and that's a criticism that strikes us as shortsighted even from a partisan Democratic point of view.

i'll go back to what i said in the previous post... praising lieberman for being able "to work with republicans and get things done" takes the fine art of burying one's head in the sand and raises it to new heights... what lieberman is helping the r's to get "done" is nothing more and nothing less than the dismantling of the core elements that have defined the strengths of the united states since the founding fathers wrote the constitution... as the nyt puts it, joe's an enabler... i'm not going to be anywhere near that kind... joe is seriously, dangerously deluded, and the wapo is right in there with him...

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